A few months ago, I was going through some of Renee's things and found a roll of undeveloped 35mm film. I was excited about the possibility of seeing new images of her and I hoped the roll might even have photos from her trip to London, when we met for the first time. When I picked up the photos, I found that the roll did, in fact, have a few photos from London.

The above photo was taken just a day or two after we met. She was visiting her friends Kristi and Brian Kubicki. Brian was a classmate of mine and I was regularly mooching off of the two newlyweds.
I had become addicted to Indian food, so it didn't take much convincing for me to join them at the cheapest Indian buffet in town. You can tell from the signs that the owner knew how to market to students and the homeless.
Predictably, I made a glutton of myself. I also remember being fascinated by this sweet and demure girl. She had the most beautiful eyes, big, brown and innocent. Most appealing of all, she didn't seem turned off by my eating habits.
I had become addicted to Indian food, so it didn't take much convincing for me to join them at the cheapest Indian buffet in town. You can tell from the signs that the owner knew how to market to students and the homeless.
Predictably, I made a glutton of myself. I also remember being fascinated by this sweet and demure girl. She had the most beautiful eyes, big, brown and innocent. Most appealing of all, she didn't seem turned off by my eating habits.